Artifacts 7dVluLROpalzEh8mNyxk last year Renal cell carcinoma, pre aPD1, kidney Puck_200727_12 Spatially mapping T cell receptors and transcriptomes cellxgene-census AnnData (17,612 observations) – 14 MB s3://cellxgene-data-public/cell-census/2023-12-15/h5ads/02faf712-92d4-4589-bec7-13105059cf86.h5ad Data lineage Features Labels Dataset features / schema Loading... Linked features Loading... bionty.CellType / .cell_types epithelial cell fibroblast malignant cell myeloid cell bionty.DevelopmentalStage / .developmental_stages 61-year-old human stage bionty.Disease / .diseases renal cell carcinoma bionty.Ethnicity / .ethnicities unknown bionty.ExperimentalFactor / .experimental_factors Slide-seqV2 bionty.Organism / .organisms human bionty.Phenotype / .phenotypes male bionty.Tissue / .tissues kidney core.ULabel / .ulabels DAB-RCC na
Artifacts 7dVluLROpalzEh8mNyxk last year Renal cell carcinoma, pre aPD1, kidney Puck_200727_12 Spatially mapping T cell receptors and transcriptomes cellxgene-census AnnData (17,612 observations) – 14 MB s3://cellxgene-data-public/cell-census/2023-12-15/h5ads/02faf712-92d4-4589-bec7-13105059cf86.h5ad Data lineage Features Labels Dataset features / schema Loading... Linked features Loading... bionty.CellType / .cell_types epithelial cell fibroblast malignant cell myeloid cell bionty.DevelopmentalStage / .developmental_stages 61-year-old human stage bionty.Disease / .diseases renal cell carcinoma bionty.Ethnicity / .ethnicities unknown bionty.ExperimentalFactor / .experimental_factors Slide-seqV2 bionty.Organism / .organisms human bionty.Phenotype / .phenotypes male bionty.Tissue / .tissues kidney core.ULabel / .ulabels DAB-RCC na