Open data platform for biology biology
Manage data & analyses with an open-source framework.
Collaborate across dry & wetlab in a distributed hub.
Enable scientists & models through API-first access.
pip install lamindb
Unified access
Unify access to data & metadata
No more wrangling queries across fragmented data lakes & ELN/LIMS systems.
Manage data & metadata with a unified API & UI ("lakehouse").
Data lineage
Track data lineage across notebooks, scripts, pipelines & UI
No more guessing where insights came from.
Model emergent & deterministic data flow in the same framework. Integrate workflow managers like redun, Nextflow, and Snakemake.
Biological registries
Manage registries for experimental metadata & ontologies
No more confusion about what is what.
Manage genes, proteins, cell types, tissues, samples, experiments, anything. Import data from public ontologies with ease.
Data validation & annotation
Validate, standardize & annotate
No more typos & duplicates, no more dangling files.
Validate & annotate with one-line API calls. Leverage typed labels.
Data collaboration
Organize data across distributed databases
No more never-ending alignment on the schema of a monolith.
Instantly create & load databases like git repositories. Zero-copy transfer data.
Learning & warehousing framework
Learn & build a long-term memory
No more monstrous notebooks & scripts that nobody understands.
Iterate a simple process to transform artifacts into more useful representations: queryable datasets and analytical insights.