Open data platform for biology biology
Manage data & analyses with an open-source framework.
Collaborate across dry & wetlab in a distributed hub.
Enable learning at scale through API-first access.
pip install lamindb
Unify data & metadata
Access data at scale with a unified API ("lakehouse").

Track data lineage across notebooks, scripts & pipelines
Model emergent & deterministic data flow in the same framework. Integrate workflow managers like redun & Nextflow.
Unify metadata & ontologies
Manage genes, proteins, cell types, tissues, samples, experiments, anything. Import data from public ontologies with ease.

Validate, standardize & annotate
Validate & annotate with 2 lines of code. Leverage in-house standards & synonym mapping for curation.
Leverage distributed databases
Create & connect databases with ease. Zero-copy transfer data.

Learn while building long-term memory
Transform artifacts into more useful representations: queryable datasets, predictive models, and analytical insights.