Annotate data for developers#

While data is the primary information or raw facts that are collected and stored, metadata is the supporting information that provides context and meaning to that data.

LaminDB let’s you annotate data with metadata in two ways: features and labels. (Also see tutorial.)

This guide extends Quickstart to explain the details of annotating data.


Let us create an instance that has bionty mounted:

!lamin init --storage ./test-annotate --schema bionty
Hide code cell output
💡 connected lamindb: testuser1/test-annotate
import lamindb as ln
import bionty as bt
import pandas as pd
import anndata as ad
💡 connected lamindb: testuser1/test-annotate
bt.settings.auto_save_parents = False  # ignores ontological hierarchy
ln.settings.verbosity = "info"
ln.settings.transform.stem_uid = "sU0y1kF3igep"
ln.settings.transform.version = "0"

Register a artifact#

Let’s use the same example data as in the Quickstart:

df = pd.DataFrame(
    {"CD8A": [1, 2, 3], "CD4": [3, 4, 5], "CD14": [5, 6, 7]},
    index=["sample1", "sample2", "sample3"],

In addition to the data, we also have two types of metadata as follows:

# observational metadata (1:1 correspondence with samples)
obs_meta = pd.DataFrame(
        "cell_type": ["T cell", "T cell", "Monocyte"],
        "tissue": ["capillary blood", "arterial blood", "capillary blood"],
    index=["sample1", "sample2", "sample3"],

# external metadata (describes the entire artifact)
external_meta = {
    "organism": "human",
    "assay": "scRNA-seq",
    "experiment": "EXP0001",
    "project": "PRJ0001",

To store both data and observational metadata, we use an AnnData object:

# note that we didn't add external metadata to adata.uns, because we will use LaminDB to store it
adata = ad.AnnData(df, obs=obs_meta)
AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 3 × 3
    obs: 'cell_type', 'tissue'

Now let’s register the AnnData object without annotating with any metadata:


artifact = ln.Artifact.from_anndata(adata, description="my RNA-seq")
Hide code cell output
💡 Assuming editor is Jupyter Lab.
💡 notebook imports: anndata==0.10.7 bionty==0.42.9 lamindb==0.71.0 pandas==1.5.3
💡 saved: Transform(uid='sU0y1kF3igep6K79', name='Annotate data for developers', key='annotate-for-developers', version='0', type='notebook', updated_at=2024-05-01 18:50:17 UTC, created_by_id=1)
💡 saved: Run(uid='ir7GHMTgACV1mS2jxd8W', transform_id=1, created_by_id=1)
💡 tracked pip freeze > /home/runner/.cache/lamindb/run_env_pip_ir7GHMTgACV1mS2jxd8W.txt
✅ storing artifact 'WMi37whpkywfG2WZARwK' at '/home/runner/work/lamindb/lamindb/docs/test-annotate/.lamindb/WMi37whpkywfG2WZARwK.h5ad'
Artifact(uid='WMi37whpkywfG2WZARwK', suffix='.h5ad', accessor='AnnData', description='my RNA-seq', size=21224, hash='jBNzT3fmTNEcfJ19FK2euw', hash_type='md5', visibility=1, key_is_virtual=True, updated_at=2024-05-01 18:50:18 UTC, storage_id=1, transform_id=1, run_id=1, created_by_id=1)

We don’t see any metadata in the registered artifact yet:

Artifact(uid='WMi37whpkywfG2WZARwK', suffix='.h5ad', accessor='AnnData', description='my RNA-seq', size=21224, hash='jBNzT3fmTNEcfJ19FK2euw', hash_type='md5', visibility=1, key_is_virtual=True, updated_at=2024-05-01 18:50:18 UTC)

  📎 storage: Storage(uid='Pca4eGu9pKMS', root='/home/runner/work/lamindb/lamindb/docs/test-annotate', type='local', instance_uid='3kW5y8h7c8wG')
  📎 transform: Transform(uid='sU0y1kF3igep6K79', name='Annotate data for developers', key='annotate-for-developers', version='0', type='notebook')
  📎 run: Run(uid='ir7GHMTgACV1mS2jxd8W', started_at=2024-05-01 18:50:17 UTC, is_consecutive=True)
  📎 created_by: User(uid='DzTjkKse', handle='testuser1', name='Test User1')

Define features and labels#

Features and labels are records from their respective registries.

You can define them schema-less using Feature and ULabel registries, or schema-full using dedicated registries.

Define data features#

Data features refer to individual measurable properties or characteristics of a phenomenon being observed. In data analysis and machine learning, features are the input variables used to predict or classify an outcome.

Data features are often numeric, but can also be categorical. For example, in the case of gene expression data, the features are the expression levels of individual genes. They are often stored as columns in a data table (adata.var_names for AnnData objects).

Here we define them using the Gene registry:

data_features = bt.Gene.from_values(
    organism="human", # or set globally: bt.settings.organism = "human"
✅ loaded 2 Gene records matching symbol: 'CD4', 'CD8A'
✅ created 1 Gene record from Bionty matching symbol: 'CD14'
[Gene(uid='1j4At3x7akJU', symbol='CD4', ensembl_gene_id='ENSG00000010610', ncbi_gene_ids='920', biotype='protein_coding', description='CD4 molecule ', synonyms='', updated_at=2024-05-01 18:49:42 UTC, organism_id=1, public_source_id=9, created_by_id=1),
 Gene(uid='6Aqvc8ckDYeN', symbol='CD8A', ensembl_gene_id='ENSG00000153563', ncbi_gene_ids='925', biotype='protein_coding', description='CD8 subunit alpha ', synonyms='CD8|P32|CD8ALPHA', updated_at=2024-05-01 18:49:42 UTC, organism_id=1, public_source_id=9, created_by_id=1),
 Gene(uid='3bhNYquOnA4s', symbol='CD14', ensembl_gene_id='ENSG00000170458', ncbi_gene_ids='929', biotype='protein_coding', description='CD14 molecule ', synonyms='', updated_at=2024-05-01 18:50:21 UTC, organism_id=1, public_source_id=9, created_by_id=1)]

Define metadata features#

Metadata features refer to descriptive or contextual information about the data. They don’t directly describe the content of the data but rather its characteristics.

In this example, the metadata features are “cell_type”, “tissue” that describe observations (stored in adata.obs.columns) and “organism”, “assay”, “experiment” that describe the entire artifact.

Here we define them using the Feature registry:

# obs metadata features
obs_meta_features = ln.Feature.from_df(adata.obs)
RecordsList([Feature(uid='clnGmFZmC2Ro', name='cell_type', type='category', registries='bionty.CellType', updated_at=2024-05-01 18:49:47 UTC, created_by_id=1),
             Feature(uid='G1dQozF1dlHg', name='tissue', type='category', updated_at=2024-05-01 18:50:21 UTC, created_by_id=1)])
# external metadata features
external_meta_features = [
    ln.Feature(name=name, type="category") for name in external_meta.keys()
❗ record with similar name exist! did you mean to load it?
uid synonyms score
assay_ontology_id BMRQl603m5Sg 90.0
[Feature(uid='r4XCHsu3y7jO', name='organism', type='category', updated_at=2024-05-01 18:50:21 UTC, created_by_id=1),
 Feature(uid='0xwR6Yh04sul', name='assay', type='category', updated_at=2024-05-01 18:50:21 UTC, created_by_id=1),
 Feature(uid='RDKBzU655VBy', name='experiment', type='category', updated_at=2024-05-01 18:50:21 UTC, created_by_id=1),
 Feature(uid='Obu9YZtR2nFM', name='project', type='category', updated_at=2024-05-01 18:50:21 UTC, created_by_id=1)]

Define metadata labels#

Metadata labels are the categorical values of metadata features. They are more specific than features and are often used in classification.

In this example, the metadata labels of feature “cell_type” are “T cell” and “Monocyte”; the metadata labels of feature “tissue” are “capillary blood”, “arterial blood”; the metadata labels of feature “organism” is “human”; and so on.

Let’s define them with their respective registries:

cell_types = bt.CellType.from_values(adata.obs["cell_type"])
✅ created 1 CellType record from Bionty matching name: 'T cell'
✅ created 1 CellType record from Bionty matching synonyms: 'Monocyte'
[CellType(uid='22LvKd01', name='T cell', ontology_id='CL:0000084', synonyms='T-cell|T-lymphocyte|T lymphocyte', description='A Type Of Lymphocyte Whose Defining Characteristic Is The Expression Of A T Cell Receptor Complex.', updated_at=2024-05-01 18:50:22 UTC, public_source_id=21, created_by_id=1),
 CellType(uid='28V22coI', name='monocyte', ontology_id='CL:0000576', description='Myeloid Mononuclear Recirculating Leukocyte That Can Act As A Precursor Of Tissue Macrophages, Osteoclasts And Some Populations Of Tissue Dendritic Cells.', updated_at=2024-05-01 18:50:22 UTC, public_source_id=21, created_by_id=1)]
tissues = bt.Tissue.from_values(adata.obs["tissue"])
✅ created 2 Tissue records from Bionty matching name: 'arterial blood', 'capillary blood'
[Tissue(uid='7gWJkhPG', name='capillary blood', ontology_id='UBERON:0013757', synonyms='portion of capillary blood|blood in capillary|portion of blood in capillary', description='A Blood That Is Part Of A Capillary.', updated_at=2024-05-01 18:50:22 UTC, public_source_id=25, created_by_id=1),
 Tissue(uid='3O0QD2cL', name='arterial blood', ontology_id='UBERON:0013755', synonyms='portion of arterial blood|arterial blood|blood in artery', description='A Blood That Is Part Of A Artery.', updated_at=2024-05-01 18:50:22 UTC, public_source_id=25, created_by_id=1)]
organism = bt.Organism.from_public(name=external_meta["organism"])
Organism(uid='1dpCL6Td', name='human', ontology_id='NCBITaxon:9606', scientific_name='homo_sapiens', updated_at=2024-05-01 18:50:22 UTC, public_source_id=1, created_by_id=1)
assay = bt.ExperimentalFactor.from_public(name=external_meta["assay"])
✅ loaded 1 ExperimentalFactor record matching synonyms: 'scRNA-seq'
ExperimentalFactor(uid='4WYv9kl0', name='single-cell RNA sequencing', ontology_id='EFO:0008913', synonyms='scRNA-seq|single cell RNA sequencing|single-cell transcriptome sequencing|single-cell RNA-seq', description='A Protocol That Provides The Expression Profiles Of Single Cells Via The Isolation And Barcoding Of Single Cells And Their Rna, Reverse Transcription, Amplification, Library Generation And Sequencing.', molecule='RNA assay', instrument='single cell sequencing', updated_at=2024-05-01 18:50:22 UTC, public_source_id=39, created_by_id=1)
experiment = ln.ULabel(name=external_meta["experiment"], description="An experiment")
ULabel(uid='aAfWrw1i', name='EXP0001', description='An experiment', updated_at=2024-05-01 18:50:22 UTC, created_by_id=1)
project = ln.ULabel(name=external_meta["project"], description="A project")
ULabel(uid='e7GPlNlY', name='PRJ0001', description='A project', updated_at=2024-05-01 18:50:22 UTC, created_by_id=1)

Annotate with features#

Non-external features are annotated when registering artifacts using .from_df or .from_anndata methods:

(See the below “Annotate with labels stratified by metadata features” session for adding external features.)

artifact = ln.Artifact.from_anndata(adata, description="my RNA-seq")
Hide code cell output
❗ returning existing artifact with same hash: Artifact(uid='WMi37whpkywfG2WZARwK', suffix='.h5ad', accessor='AnnData', description='my RNA-seq', size=21224, hash='jBNzT3fmTNEcfJ19FK2euw', hash_type='md5', visibility=1, key_is_virtual=True, updated_at=2024-05-01 18:50:18 UTC, storage_id=1, transform_id=1, run_id=1, created_by_id=1)
Artifact(uid='WMi37whpkywfG2WZARwK', suffix='.h5ad', accessor='AnnData', description='my RNA-seq', size=21224, hash='jBNzT3fmTNEcfJ19FK2euw', hash_type='md5', visibility=1, key_is_virtual=True, updated_at=2024-05-01 18:50:22 UTC, storage_id=1, transform_id=1, run_id=1, created_by_id=1)
artifact.features.add_from_anndata(var_field=bt.Gene.symbol, organism="human")
💡 parsing feature names of X stored in slot 'var'
3 terms (100.00%) are validated for symbol
✅    linked: FeatureSet(uid='KyHezRiMy6ymU3JwsYON', n=3, type='number', registry='bionty.Gene', hash='f2UVeHefaZxXFjmUwo9O', created_by_id=1)
💡 parsing feature names of slot 'obs'
2 terms (100.00%) are validated for name
✅    linked: FeatureSet(uid='AoOZPq8bTog5A40Oo0Hb', n=2, registry='core.Feature', hash='nyP0vwjSTTPufYunlX5h', created_by_id=1)
✅ saved 2 feature sets for slots: 'var','obs'

This artifact is now annotated with features:

Artifact(uid='WMi37whpkywfG2WZARwK', suffix='.h5ad', accessor='AnnData', description='my RNA-seq', size=21224, hash='jBNzT3fmTNEcfJ19FK2euw', hash_type='md5', visibility=1, key_is_virtual=True, updated_at=2024-05-01 18:50:22 UTC)

  📎 storage: Storage(uid='Pca4eGu9pKMS', root='/home/runner/work/lamindb/lamindb/docs/test-annotate', type='local', instance_uid='3kW5y8h7c8wG')
  📎 transform: Transform(uid='sU0y1kF3igep6K79', name='Annotate data for developers', key='annotate-for-developers', version='0', type='notebook')
  📎 run: Run(uid='ir7GHMTgACV1mS2jxd8W', started_at=2024-05-01 18:50:17 UTC, is_consecutive=True)
  📎 created_by: User(uid='DzTjkKse', handle='testuser1', name='Test User1')
  var: FeatureSet(uid='KyHezRiMy6ymU3JwsYON', n=3, type='number', registry='bionty.Gene')
    'CD14', 'CD4', 'CD8A'
  obs: FeatureSet(uid='AoOZPq8bTog5A40Oo0Hb', n=2, registry='core.Feature')
    🔗 cell_type (0, bionty.CellType): 
    tissue (category)

You see two types of features are annotated and organized as featuresets by slot:

  • “var”: data features

  • “obs”: observational metadata features

  var: FeatureSet(uid='KyHezRiMy6ymU3JwsYON', n=3, type='number', registry='bionty.Gene')
    'CD14', 'CD4', 'CD8A'
  obs: FeatureSet(uid='AoOZPq8bTog5A40Oo0Hb', n=2, registry='core.Feature')
    🔗 cell_type (0, bionty.CellType): 
    tissue (category)

Use slots to retrieve corresponding annotated features:

uid symbol stable_id ensembl_gene_id ncbi_gene_ids biotype description synonyms organism_id public_source_id created_at updated_at created_by_id
5 1j4At3x7akJU CD4 None ENSG00000010610 920 protein_coding CD4 molecule 1 9 2024-05-01 18:49:42.627934+00:00 2024-05-01 18:49:42.627952+00:00 1
6 6Aqvc8ckDYeN CD8A None ENSG00000153563 925 protein_coding CD8 subunit alpha CD8|P32|CD8ALPHA 1 9 2024-05-01 18:49:42.628108+00:00 2024-05-01 18:49:42.628123+00:00 1
7 3bhNYquOnA4s CD14 None ENSG00000170458 929 protein_coding CD14 molecule 1 9 2024-05-01 18:50:21.291130+00:00 2024-05-01 18:50:21.291165+00:00 1
uid name type unit description registries synonyms created_at updated_at created_by_id
1 clnGmFZmC2Ro cell_type category None None bionty.CellType None 2024-05-01 18:49:24.106806+00:00 2024-05-01 18:49:47.588733+00:00 1
4 G1dQozF1dlHg tissue category None None None None 2024-05-01 18:50:21.348238+00:00 2024-05-01 18:50:21.348268+00:00 1

Annotate with labels#

If you simply want to tag a artifact with some descriptive labels, you can pass them to .labels.add. For example, let’s add the experiment label “EXP0001” and project label “PRJ0001” to the artifact:


Now you see the artifact is annotated with ‘EXP0001’, ‘PRJ0001’ labels:

Artifact(uid='WMi37whpkywfG2WZARwK', suffix='.h5ad', accessor='AnnData', description='my RNA-seq', size=21224, hash='jBNzT3fmTNEcfJ19FK2euw', hash_type='md5', visibility=1, key_is_virtual=True, updated_at=2024-05-01 18:50:22 UTC)

  📎 storage: Storage(uid='Pca4eGu9pKMS', root='/home/runner/work/lamindb/lamindb/docs/test-annotate', type='local', instance_uid='3kW5y8h7c8wG')
  📎 transform: Transform(uid='sU0y1kF3igep6K79', name='Annotate data for developers', key='annotate-for-developers', version='0', type='notebook')
  📎 run: Run(uid='ir7GHMTgACV1mS2jxd8W', started_at=2024-05-01 18:50:17 UTC, is_consecutive=True)
  📎 created_by: User(uid='DzTjkKse', handle='testuser1', name='Test User1')
  var: FeatureSet(uid='KyHezRiMy6ymU3JwsYON', n=3, type='number', registry='bionty.Gene')
    'CD14', 'CD4', 'CD8A'
  obs: FeatureSet(uid='AoOZPq8bTog5A40Oo0Hb', n=2, registry='core.Feature')
    🔗 cell_type (0, bionty.CellType): 
    tissue (category)
  📎 ulabels (2, core.ULabel): 'PRJ0001', 'EXP0001'

To view all annotated labels:

  📎 ulabels (2, core.ULabel): 'PRJ0001', 'EXP0001'

Since we didn’t specify which features the labels belongs to, they are accessible only through the default accessor “.ulabels” for ULabel Registry.

You may already notice that it could be difficult to interpret labels without features if they belong to the same registry.

uid name description reference reference_type created_at updated_at created_by_id
5 aAfWrw1i EXP0001 An experiment None None 2024-05-01 18:50:22.610085+00:00 2024-05-01 18:50:22.610110+00:00 1
6 e7GPlNlY PRJ0001 A project None None 2024-05-01 18:50:22.627720+00:00 2024-05-01 18:50:22.627744+00:00 1

Annotate with labels stratified by metadata features#

For labels associated with metadata features, you can pass “feature” to .labels.add to stratify them by feature. (Another way to stratify labels is through ontological hierarchy, which is covered in the Quickstart)

Let’s add the experiment label “EXP0001” and project label “PRJ0001” to the artifact again, this time specifying their features:

# an auto-complete object of registered features
features = ln.Feature.lookup()

artifact.labels.add(experiment, feature=features.experiment)
artifact.labels.add(project, feature=features.project)
Hide code cell output
✅ linked feature 'experiment' to registry 'core.ULabel'
✅ linked new feature 'experiment' together with new feature set FeatureSet(uid='ZbZ79hmbsKh4CBK1pu1a', n=1, registry='core.Feature', hash='V59UNpLhvs8r7bPaKUnb', updated_at=2024-05-01 18:50:22 UTC, created_by_id=1)
✅ linked feature 'project' to registry 'core.ULabel'
💡 nothing links to it anymore, deleting feature set FeatureSet(uid='ZbZ79hmbsKh4CBK1pu1a', n=1, registry='core.Feature', hash='V59UNpLhvs8r7bPaKUnb', updated_at=2024-05-01 18:50:22 UTC, created_by_id=1)
✅ linked new feature 'project' together with new feature set FeatureSet(uid='RrZwjxu2WaW1CSjQ8GSM', n=2, registry='core.Feature', hash='CiAGpp-b999uYAQA6nf3', updated_at=2024-05-01 18:50:22 UTC, created_by_id=1)

You now see a 3rd featureset is added to the artifact at slot “external”, and the labels are stratified by two features:

Artifact(uid='WMi37whpkywfG2WZARwK', suffix='.h5ad', accessor='AnnData', description='my RNA-seq', size=21224, hash='jBNzT3fmTNEcfJ19FK2euw', hash_type='md5', visibility=1, key_is_virtual=True, updated_at=2024-05-01 18:50:22 UTC)

  📎 storage: Storage(uid='Pca4eGu9pKMS', root='/home/runner/work/lamindb/lamindb/docs/test-annotate', type='local', instance_uid='3kW5y8h7c8wG')
  📎 transform: Transform(uid='sU0y1kF3igep6K79', name='Annotate data for developers', key='annotate-for-developers', version='0', type='notebook')
  📎 run: Run(uid='ir7GHMTgACV1mS2jxd8W', started_at=2024-05-01 18:50:17 UTC, is_consecutive=True)
  📎 created_by: User(uid='DzTjkKse', handle='testuser1', name='Test User1')
  var: FeatureSet(uid='KyHezRiMy6ymU3JwsYON', n=3, type='number', registry='bionty.Gene')
    'CD14', 'CD4', 'CD8A'
  obs: FeatureSet(uid='AoOZPq8bTog5A40Oo0Hb', n=2, registry='core.Feature')
    🔗 cell_type (0, bionty.CellType): 
    tissue (category)
  external: FeatureSet(uid='RrZwjxu2WaW1CSjQ8GSM', n=2, registry='core.Feature')
    🔗 project (1, core.ULabel): 'PRJ0001'
    🔗 experiment (1, core.ULabel): 'EXP0001'
  📎 ulabels (2, core.ULabel): 'PRJ0001', 'EXP0001'

With feature-stratified labels, you can retrieve labels by feature:

uid name description reference reference_type created_at updated_at created_by_id
5 aAfWrw1i EXP0001 An experiment None None 2024-05-01 18:50:22.610085+00:00 2024-05-01 18:50:22.610110+00:00 1

Note that adding feature-stratified labels will also allow you to retrieve labels with the default accessor of respective registries:

artifact.labels.add(assay, feature=features.assay)
Hide code cell output
✅ linked feature 'assay' to registry 'bionty.ExperimentalFactor'
💡 nothing links to it anymore, deleting feature set FeatureSet(uid='RrZwjxu2WaW1CSjQ8GSM', n=2, registry='core.Feature', hash='CiAGpp-b999uYAQA6nf3', updated_at=2024-05-01 18:50:22 UTC, created_by_id=1)
✅ linked new feature 'assay' together with new feature set FeatureSet(uid='XpM0bNmpBE0zo2PZdNXR', n=3, registry='core.Feature', hash='D3FXGBPzKdWOiY9ceOsG', updated_at=2024-05-01 18:50:23 UTC, created_by_id=1)
# access labels directly via default accessor "experimental_factors"
uid name ontology_id abbr synonyms description molecule instrument measurement public_source_id created_at updated_at created_by_id
1 4WYv9kl0 single-cell RNA sequencing EFO:0008913 None scRNA-seq|single cell RNA sequencing|single-ce... A Protocol That Provides The Expression Profil... RNA assay single cell sequencing None 39 2024-05-01 18:49:45.118737+00:00 2024-05-01 18:50:22.591461+00:00 1
# access labels via feature
uid name ontology_id abbr synonyms description molecule instrument measurement public_source_id created_at updated_at created_by_id
1 4WYv9kl0 single-cell RNA sequencing EFO:0008913 None scRNA-seq|single cell RNA sequencing|single-ce... A Protocol That Provides The Expression Profil... RNA assay single cell sequencing None 39 2024-05-01 18:49:45.118737+00:00 2024-05-01 18:50:22.591461+00:00 1

Let’s finish the rest annotation of labels:

# labels of obs metadata features
artifact.labels.add(cell_types, feature=features.cell_type)
artifact.labels.add(tissues, feature=features.tissue)

# labels of external metadata features
artifact.labels.add(organism, feature=features.organism)
Hide code cell output
✅ linked feature 'tissue' to registry 'bionty.Tissue'
✅ linked feature 'organism' to registry 'bionty.Organism'
💡 nothing links to it anymore, deleting feature set FeatureSet(uid='XpM0bNmpBE0zo2PZdNXR', n=3, registry='core.Feature', hash='D3FXGBPzKdWOiY9ceOsG', updated_at=2024-05-01 18:50:23 UTC, created_by_id=1)
✅ linked new feature 'organism' together with new feature set FeatureSet(uid='0Xehgs2wrPYfr8jdHHuD', n=4, registry='core.Feature', hash='DRlCdDS3Wvg4NUYkXvm4', updated_at=2024-05-01 18:50:23 UTC, created_by_id=1)

Now you’ve annotated your artifact with all features and labels:

Artifact(uid='WMi37whpkywfG2WZARwK', suffix='.h5ad', accessor='AnnData', description='my RNA-seq', size=21224, hash='jBNzT3fmTNEcfJ19FK2euw', hash_type='md5', visibility=1, key_is_virtual=True, updated_at=2024-05-01 18:50:22 UTC)

  📎 storage: Storage(uid='Pca4eGu9pKMS', root='/home/runner/work/lamindb/lamindb/docs/test-annotate', type='local', instance_uid='3kW5y8h7c8wG')
  📎 transform: Transform(uid='sU0y1kF3igep6K79', name='Annotate data for developers', key='annotate-for-developers', version='0', type='notebook')
  📎 run: Run(uid='ir7GHMTgACV1mS2jxd8W', started_at=2024-05-01 18:50:17 UTC, is_consecutive=True)
  📎 created_by: User(uid='DzTjkKse', handle='testuser1', name='Test User1')
  var: FeatureSet(uid='KyHezRiMy6ymU3JwsYON', n=3, type='number', registry='bionty.Gene')
    'CD14', 'CD4', 'CD8A'
  obs: FeatureSet(uid='AoOZPq8bTog5A40Oo0Hb', n=2, registry='core.Feature')
    🔗 cell_type (2, bionty.CellType): 'monocyte', 'T cell'
    🔗 tissue (2, bionty.Tissue): 'arterial blood', 'capillary blood'
  external: FeatureSet(uid='0Xehgs2wrPYfr8jdHHuD', n=4, registry='core.Feature')
    🔗 project (1, core.ULabel): 'PRJ0001'
    🔗 organism (1, bionty.Organism): 'human'
    🔗 assay (1, bionty.ExperimentalFactor): 'single-cell RNA sequencing'
    🔗 experiment (1, core.ULabel): 'EXP0001'
  📎 organism (1, bionty.Organism): 'human'
  📎 tissues (2, bionty.Tissue): 'arterial blood', 'capillary blood'
  📎 cell_types (2, bionty.CellType): 'monocyte', 'T cell'
  📎 experimental_factors (1, bionty.ExperimentalFactor): 'single-cell RNA sequencing'
  📎 ulabels (2, core.ULabel): 'PRJ0001', 'EXP0001'
Hide code cell content
# clean up test instance
!lamin delete --force test-registries
!rm -r test-registries
❗ 'testuser1/test-registries' not found: 'instance-not-found'
Check your permissions:
rm: cannot remove 'test-registries': No such file or directory