Install & setup#



pip install lamindb

You can configure the installation using extras, e.g.,

pip install 'lamindb[jupyter,bionty]'

Supported extras are:

# commonly used
jupyter   # parse Jupyter notebook metadata
bionty    # basic biological ontologies
# cloud backends
aws       # AWS (s3fs, etc.)
gcp       # Google Cloud (gcfs, etc.)
# biological artifact formats
fcs       # FCS artifacts (flow cytometry)
# storage backends
zarr      # store & stream arrays with zarr
# others
erdiagram # display schema graphs

If you’d like a docker container, here is a way:

Sign up & log in#

  1. Sign up for a free account (see more info) and copy the API key.

  2. Log in on the command line:

    lamin login <email> --key <API-key>


An account is free & signing up takes 1 min.

Lamin does not store or see any of your data, but only basic metadata about you (email address, etc.).

If you register a LaminDB instance on LaminHub, Lamin only stores the storage location (AWS S3 or GCP bucket names, directory names).

For more, see our guide on access management & security, the source code, or the privacy policy.

On the command line, you can log in with either email or handle:

lamin login
lamin login testuser1

If you don’t have a cached API-key in your environment, you need to copy it from your account and pass it:

lamin login <email> --key <API-key>

Log out:

lamin lgout

Init an instance#

You init an instance using lamin init on the commmand line and these options:

  • storage: a default storage location for the instance (e.g. s3://my-bucket, gs://my-bucket, ./my-data-dir)

  • name (optional): a name for the instance (e.g., my-assets)

  • db (optional): a Postgres database connection URL, do not pass for SQLite

  • schema (optional): comma-separated string of schema modules


Local storage + SQLite#

If you are only interested in tracking artifacts and their transformations, init your local SQLite instance via:

lamin init --storage ./mydata

Mount the Bionty schema module:

lamin init --storage mydata --schema bionty

S3 + SQLite#

lamin init --storage s3://<bucket_name> --schema bionty

GCP + Postgres#

lamin init --storage gs://<bucket_name> --db postgresql://<user>:<pwd>@<hostname>:<port>/<dbname> --schema bionty

Load an instance#

Load your own instance:

lamin load <instance_name>

Load somebody else’s instance:

lamin load <account_handle/instance_name>

Access settings#

Now, let’s look at a specific example:

!lamin init --storage mydata --schema bionty
❗ instance exists with id bad64064a38a5d18ae1654872904d661, but database is not loadable: re-initializing
💡 connected lamindb: testuser1/mydata

Print settings:

!lamin info
Current user: testuser1
- handle: testuser1
- email: [email protected]
- uid: DzTjkKse
Auto-connect in Python: True
Current instance: testuser1/mydata
- owner: testuser1
- name: mydata
- storage root: /home/runner/work/lamindb/lamindb/docs/mydata
- storage region: None
- db: sqlite:////home/runner/work/lamindb/lamindb/docs/mydata/bad64064a38a5d18ae1654872904d661.lndb
- schema: {'bionty'}
- git_repo: None

Settings persist in ~/.lamin/ and can also be accessed via lamindb.setup.settings.

import lamindb as ln
💡 connected lamindb: testuser1/mydata
Current user: testuser1
- handle: testuser1
- email: [email protected]
- uid: DzTjkKse
Current instance: testuser1/mydata
- owner: testuser1
- name: mydata
- storage root: /home/runner/work/lamindb/lamindb/docs/mydata
- storage region: None
- db: sqlite:////home/runner/work/lamindb/lamindb/docs/mydata/bad64064a38a5d18ae1654872904d661.lndb
- schema: {'bionty'}
- git_repo: None


  • The user who creates an instance is its owner. Ownership can be transferred in the hub.

  • Advanced users could also consider the Python setup API: lamindb.setup.

Update default storage#

It’s easiest to see and update default storage in the Python API using storage:

import lamindb as ln  # set via = "s3://other-bucket"
#> s3://default-bucket

You can also change it using the CLI via

lamin set --storage s3://other-bucket

Close an instance#

Loading an instance means loading an environment for managing your datasets.

When loading a new instance, you automatically close the previously loaded old instance.

If you want to close the instance without loading a new instance, use lamin close

Migrate an instance#

If you are an admin and you haven’t set up automated deployments of migrations, you can use two commands to create and deploy migrations:

  • lamin migrate create

  • lamin migrate deploy

Unless you manage a custom plugin schema, you’ll never need to create a migration.

You’ll receive a logged warning when deploying a migration is advisable.

What does this warning look like?

Here is an example:

% lamin load testdb

Your database is not up to date with your installed Python library.

The database misses the following migrations:
[<Migration lnschema_core.0014_rename_ref_field_featureset_registry>, <Migration lnschema_core.0015_artifact_initial_version_artifact_version>]

Only if you are an admin and manage migrations manually, deploy them to the database:
lamin migrate deploy

Otherwise, downgrade your Python library to match the database!

✅ loaded instance: testuser1/testdb

Create a migration#

You need to have the schema package installed locally:

git clone
cd lnschema-custom
pip install -e .

Edit the registries in your schema.

Then, call

lamin migrate create

to create the migration script.

When you’re happy, commit them to your GitHub repo, and ideally make a new release.

To deploy the migration call lamin migrate deploy.


The lamin migration commands are a wrapper around Django’s migration manager.

Delete an instance#

This works as follows. It won’t delete your data, just the metadata managed by LaminDB:

!lamin delete --force mydata
💡 deleting instance testuser1/mydata
💡 not deleting instance from hub as instance not found there